Do you want to raise your profile at work but don’t know how to do so in a sincere way, these tips are for you. The world is full of smart people who work hard every day but not everyone gets noticed for doing so. The reality is that career growth comes from a combination of hard work, impact and
A workshop you can do with your team to develop innovations for customer experience. I performed this exercise during a 3-hour workshop with my team based upon the principles described by Brian Chesky (CEO of Airbnb) when interviewed by Reid Hoffman. The outcome was a fascinating list of ideas and an energised team who were motivated to delight customers. Why
Ever struggled to find an exciting job, well check out my book review of the 20-minute networking meeting by Nathan Perez and Marcia Ballinger.
It’s a short easy read and most people would benefit from the lessons and framework within.
A step by step guide on how to check an NDA This article will provide you with a guideline on how to review a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). 📃 NDA contracts are often the first step of any commercial engagement. They set out how confidential information will be protected. A breach of an NDA can significantly harm, or even end a
Review of a very interesting book called Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks which teaches you the power of storytelling. The book is a mix of tips and advice with lots of fascinating stories from the life of Matthew himself.