4 ways to control your time and achieve your goals

January 25, 2022 by Charles
Business & Leadership
Tips & Productivity

In this article, I will take you through my process for time management.

I am a business executive leading a large global team, I have a wife and two kids, I exercise 3-4 times per week. On top of this, I find time every week for learning, reading books, gaming, investing in crypto, socialising and writing my blog.

One of the most frequent questions I get is “how do you find time”?

It’s your calendar: 📅

Every time someone sends you a meeting invite, they are deciding how you allocate your time.

In the world of business, it is far too easy to jump from meeting to meeting without thinking. Your calendar should have at least 50% of the time slots allocated by you.

Ruthlessly defend your time

Plan your day: 📝

Spend 5 to 10 minutes every morning to review your day ahead.

Build a habit and process of doing this, get into a routine over your morning coffee or during your commute.

Write down to-do lists and decline meetings where you are not needed.

Define your highlight: ⭐

Decide one thing you must do on any given day.

Make sure that your highlight is scheduled. A highlight can be anything of importance to you, from spending time with your kids, playing sports to attending a meeting.

Keep track and ensure your daily highlights are getting completed.

Delegate: 🤝

You do not need to do everything yourself.

Delegate tasks that can be completed by someone else. Make sure that you are focussing on your most impactful activities (your $1000/hr tasks).

I hope this helps you to find more time.

Good luck, and please share your tips!

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