Review of a very interesting book called Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks which teaches you the power of storytelling. The book is a mix of tips and advice with lots of fascinating stories from the life of Matthew himself.
Bitcoin is a rapidly growing new technology, here we explore the concerns about the energy consumption of the bitcoin network and it’s impact on the environment in the future.
This book is a must-read for any current or aspiring ‘people leaders’ and it has had a fundamental impact on the way I lead my own teams. After adopting the principles and advice in the book, I have received a lot of positive feedback from my team, even after tough conversations.
LEAN and the Toyota Production System – Outside the factory floor. My intention for this article is to give an introduction to the world of LEAN and describe more specifically how LEAN thinking processes, developed for the world of manufacturing, can be applied to a setting like sales or office-work. When first introduced into LEAN, Six-Sigma and other similar tools
On the 6th Oct 2020 the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson unveiled plans to power all homes with wind power by 2030. When I saw this announcement my first question was, is this even possible? How could a country produce enough power to supply all 25 million households by wind alone? The Prime Minister stated that the offshore wind target