Would you leave your wallet unattended in a public place? The beauty of cryptocurrency and digital assets is that they are stored on secure distributed blockchains, instantly accessible with an internet connection. This fact is also the biggest risk. Not your (private) keys, not your money When you buy a digital asset (crypto current, token or NFT) it will usually
I love to sleep, but after moving into an old apartment building in downtown Paris I was waking all through the night. For more than 1 year I was suffering from disrupted sleep, and this was affecting all aspects of my life: 🥱 Struggling to get up in the morning Difficulty focussing on hard mental tasks Impacting my mood Slowing
Do you hate packing for travel? As a frequent traveller myself I would always dread having to prepare for the trip. Well, this changed after I learned the Mari Kondo folding method. An annoying chore became a satisfying 5-minute exercise. The majority of us have our wardrobes stacked with piles of folded clothes. We end up digging through them, invariably
If you want to set clear objectives and measure progress then don’t underestimate the difficulty of defining good key performance indicators (KPIs). I have repeatedly seen the disaster or poorly implemented KPIs. They waste tremendous amounts of time when people are forced to track meaningless numbers which don’t add value to your business. In the worst case, it can drive
Do you want to raise your profile at work but don’t know how to do so in a sincere way, these tips are for you. The world is full of smart people who work hard every day but not everyone gets noticed for doing so. The reality is that career growth comes from a combination of hard work, impact and
A workshop you can do with your team to develop innovations for customer experience. I performed this exercise during a 3-hour workshop with my team based upon the principles described by Brian Chesky (CEO of Airbnb) when interviewed by Reid Hoffman. The outcome was a fascinating list of ideas and an energised team who were motivated to delight customers. Why